Kite Surfing-Pure Pleasure
Different terms, same pleasure
Kiteing is a sport for the whole year and all seasons. The most active is the event at sea and lakes. In winter, this sport moves on a snow land, frozen lakes or on the slopes of the lean mountains. In kiteing,all starts on the ground, usually in the meadow. Meet with a parachute, the preparation of the equipment, run down, raising and lowering parachutes. Thus, after the theoretical work meet with practical basics of the sport.
Water (kitesurfing)
Reference has already been the most common form; this is kiteing on the water, at sea or lakes. In winter, when the sea is a little cooler, it is necessary to have a neoprene suit. In summer, when temperatures increase, only need a swimsuit, shorts and a T-shirt from Lycra. For kiteing on water is the most important access to the sea, beach itself. Chute, which will rise into the air, is on the 25-metric lines, and it is very important that there is appropriate beach or place by the sea. It is also important for beginners to the initial water level, which is close to low, in the amount of the loins. A good example is the coast of Egypt (El Gouna, Hurghada), where the conditions are ideal for learning. Lots of space on the beach, the low depth of the sea, not overly wavy sea, the constant wind and of course the hot sun. These are the conditions in which you could win the first few days a hundred, two hundred meters separate drive, of course, with the help of excellent instructor. In addition to the appropriate size of parachutes and the board you need of course a trapeze, life jacket and helmet mandatory.

Kite Surfing-Pure Pleasure