A few hundred $$$$, that would be saved if you skip the basic lessons, is little in comparison with the costs, which could be considered in the event led to the accident. Buy equipment from recognized dealers, and as the first, do not buy used equipment online, because you will not be provided when it is safe and may also not be suitable for your needs and level of knowledge. Instructor can advise you, what equipment is best suited for you, based on your knowledge of handling with kite. Instructors know best what is good.
Kitesurfing Equipment

Do not save in the case of safety equipment. Buy the rescue jacket. Wear a helmet, which is designed for water sports. Whistle can help you attract attention, if takes you so far away that you will not be heard if you shout. Quality pocket knife for cutting leather cords or equipment is required. You could avoid more than half of serious accidents, if you use a pocket knife and cut lines quickly.
Kitesurfing Equipment